rich man of god

Rich Man


Includes both “Rich Man of God” and “Rich Man of the Devil” post cards.

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This postcard kind of give me a vision of how Beautiful,Colorful, and Golden Heaven will be.Also it’s time for the Rich Men of God to stat standing up for the Word Of God.God has given to you his riches enable you to help GOD’S people and fund the work of His Kingdom.Stop worrying about what the rich men of the devil is doing and if he is against you.You may lose what you have down here but you have stored your real Treasurer up in Heaven.What profit is it to gain the world and and lose your soul? LUKE 12:16-21. This post card includes two versions:

  1. Rich Man of God
  2. Rich Man of the Devil


Rich Man of God:

  • 1 timothy 6:17
  • Mark 18:30
  • 1 Corinthians9:6-7

Rich Man of the Devil:

  • 1 timothy 6:17
  • Mark 18:30
  • 1 Corinthians9:6-7