Child Support Antichrist System 100 Card’s


 Child system what is it ? System of  Antichrist to break down the family Ephesians 2:2 The spirit that now workth in the children of disobedience.when the Lord first spoke to me about this i was for a min confuse until he explain because i to had some one on child support. And Lord said unto me we have our own people in bondage just like the Egyptians haded the children of Israel.And Lord said to me WHO are you trusting John ME or the child support check,don’t say out your mouth that you say the Lord will provide and at the same time you have your children mother with a YOKE of iron around her neck doe you are my minister i will still have to punish you seven time for your sin’s sayth the Lord. MONEY CAUSE IT, THE RUTH ALL EVIL.   I will finish this later…. plus way people are treating one another is the cause of the PLAGUS ON THE LAND.


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